In this study, our focus was to carryout a critical analysis to assess the effectiveness of performance appraisal exercise in the public service with a particular reference to Oyo State civil Service commission. The study specifically was aimed at ascertaining the effectiveness of performance appraisal exercise in the public service. The study adopted the survey research design and randomly enrolled participants in the study. A total of 80 responses were validated from the enrolled participants where all respondent are active workers in Oyo State civil Service commission. the study found out that most employees show cooperation in the appraisal process. Again, most staff believe that feedback reflects their performance. Further, most staff believe the appraisal system is relevant and do not consider the appraisal process a waste of time. It was noted that the process has helped in identifying systematic factors that are barriers to effective performance. Key challenges identified included low feedback rate and lack of adequate resources, among other challenges. The study recommended the need to ensure that fairness is maintained in the appraisal process so that the necessary trust and cooperation will be forthcoming from staff. Further, there is the need to ensure regular feedback. Failure to do this could affect staff interest in the process, as much as possible feedback should be given to staff on their performance.